◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 29 2023年 ◆



 堀田 博幸
 A Study on Measuring the Effectiveness of Policy Evaluation

   Using Machine Learning Economic Analysis Methods

 Hiroyuki Hotta



 畑山 博樹
 Global Trends and Methodology for Identifying Critical Raw Materials

 Hiroki Hatayama



 星野 岳穂
 Strategies and Challenges for the Japanese and Global Steel Industry to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

 Takeo Hoshino




◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 28 2022年 ◆



 中村 吉明
 EV and Battery Strategy of Japanese Automakers

 Yoshiaki Nakamura



 原 岳広、醍醐 市朗、後藤 芳一

 Laws and Regulations for Recycle in Japan and Proposals for Future System Development

 Takehiro Hara, Ichiro Daigo, Yoshikazu Goto



 長山 浩章
    Policy Research for the Mass Introduction of Sustainable Renewable Energy

    in Developing Asian Countries

 Hiroaki Nagayama





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 27 2021年 ◆


 西尾 好司
    Business Model Transformation by Digitization in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises:

    Case Study on Industrial Coating Company

 Koji Nishio


 武山 健太郎、木本 悠介、醍醐 市朗、星野 岳穂

 Method to Evaluate Impact of Product Service System

   on Reduction of Natural Resource Consumption in Society

 Kentaro Takeyama, Yusuke Kimoto, Ichiro Daigo, Takeo Hoshino



 中村 吉明
 A Study on the Prescription for the Last Mile Problem of Logistics by Japanese Online Shopping

 Yoshiaki Nakamura


欧州でのFIP 制度の導入について−日本への示唆
 長山 浩章
    Introduction of FIP in Europe - suggestions to Japan

 Hiroaki Nagayama





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 26 2020年 ◆


 並河 良一
   Livestock Trade Conflicts Resolution under International Treaties and Standards
 Ryoichi Namikawa


●ユーザ参加型の知識創造活動としてのLiving Lab の構築 日本のLiving Lab の事例研究より
 西尾 好司
   Building a Living Lab as a Knowledge Co-creation with users in Japan
 Koji Nishio


 長山 浩章
   Proposal for a System Design for an Accumulative Fund to Finance the Disposal and Other Costs

   of Solar Panels using the Trust Method
 Hiroaki Nagayama





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 25 2019年 ◆


●ポルトガルにおける電気料金赤字への対応と証券化スキームの 我が国及び発展途上国への適用
 長山 浩章
   Analysis on Application of Portugal's Securitization Scheme to Address Tariff Deficits to Japan and  

   Developing Countries
 Hiroaki Nagayama


●国際的工程間分業の分析手法 「雁行旅程図」の提案
 石井 洋平
 Proposal of Illustrating the Flying Geese Journey Diagram to Analyze International Industrial Specialization
 Yohei Ishii


●温室効果ガス削減目標に向けた建築物の 断熱材料選択評価手法の構築
 星野 岳穂、山口 彰太、醍醐 市朗、榎 学
 A Model for Insulation Material Selection Toward Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target
 Takeo Hoshino, Shota Yamaguchi, Ichiro Daigo, Manabu Enoki


●ライドシェアリングとタクシーの共存による 地域イノベーションと発展途上国への示唆
 中村 吉明
 Regional Innovation by the Coexistence of Ride Sharing and Taxi, and Suggestions for Developing

 Yoshiaki Nakamura


 醍醐 市朗、纐纈 将太、ドゥヌウィラ パサン、星野 岳穂
 Direct Observation of Mixing of Other Materials within Heavy Metal Scraps of Steel Discharged from 

   Demolition Sites
 Ichiro Daigo, Shota Koketsu, Pasan Dunuwila, Takeo Hoshino






◆    開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 24 2018年 ◆


 木村 利明
 Enterprise Activity Reference Model for Application of Different Fields Using Production Technologies
 ―Application Examples for Agriculture Field―
 Toshiaki Kimura


 飯泉 英敏、中村 吉明、安永 裕幸
 An Analysis on the Relationship between Application-oriented Patents and
 Industry-academia Collaboration in the Area of Robotic Technology
 Hidetoshi Iizumi, Yoshiaki Nakamura, Yuko Yasunaga


 長山 浩章
 The Current Operational Issues and Strategy, Encompassing the Changing
 Market Situation of Pumped Storage Power Generation in Japan and Europe.
 Hiroaki Nagayama


 星野 岳穂
 Technological Challenges for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management

 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
 Takeo Hoshino





◆   開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 23 2017年 ◆



 杉浦 政裕

 Advantage of Catch-down Type Hydrological Observation Facilities in Indonesia

 Masahiro Sugiura 


●情報通信基盤開発に向けた円借款とサービス普及の分析 ―アジアとアフリカを中心に―

 畠山 裕爾、三友 仁志

 Japan’s ODA Loans toward Telecommunication Infrastructure Development and Service Penetration:

 Focus on Asian and African Recipients

 Yuji Hatakeyama, Hitoshi Mitomo


●新興国における海外子会社のイノベーションの戦略的プロセス ―資生堂の事例―

 時 健

 The Innovation Strategic Process of the Overseas Subsidiary in Emerging Countries

 —A Case Study of Shiseido Co., Ltd. —

 Jian Shi 



 原 岳広、醍醐 市朗、後藤 芳一

    Analysis on Cost of Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles and A New Concept for Cost Allocation

 Takehiro Hara, Ichiro Daigo, Yoshikazu Goto





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 22 2016年 ◆



 原 岳広、醍醐 市朗、後藤 芳一

    Analysis on Cost of Home Appliances Recycling and a New Concept of Cost Allocation 

    Takehiro Hara, Ichiro Daigo, Yoshikazu Goto 




 石井 洋平

   The Expansion of Industrial Development Patterns in Latecomer Countries

  Yohei Ishii




 白 映旻

   Productivity Improvements due to Participation in Production Networks in East Asia

   Youngmin Baek


“Leadership Engine” of Academics for Biomethane Energy Projects in Asia 

   Maria RH Takeuchi, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Keiichi N. Ishihara



  時 鍵

   The Innovation Management of the Overseas Subsidiary in Developing Country 

    ―A Case Study of Toray's R&D in China― 

   Jian Shi




 杉浦 政裕

     Appropriate Technology for In-house Engineering in Operation and Maintenance of Public Goods

     ― As a Case Study on Operation and Maintenance of Hydrological Observation Facilities for Water Resources Management


    Masahiro Sugiura



  醍醐 市朗、大木 慧、後藤 芳一 

    A New Model to Explore the Relationship between Changes in Steel Demand and Economic Development Using Principal

   Component Analysis 

   Ichiro Daigo, Kei Oki, Yoshikazu Goto






◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 21 2015年 ◆



 舟田 享史、醍醐 市朗、後藤 芳一

   Analysis of Changes in Steel Demand in Japanese High Economic Growth Period Based on

  Steel Stock and Flow

  Takashi Funada, Ichiro Daigo, Yoshikazu Goto




 石井 洋平

   Typical Rise and Fall Patterns Unique to Backward Linkage Industries in Latecomer


  Yohei Ishii




 長山 浩章

   Liberalization of the Electric Power Sector and Positioning of Nuclear Energy in the UK

   -Lessons for Japan-

   Hiroaki Nagayama




 桑原 裕

   Practice of Open Innovation

   Yutaka Kuwahara





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 20 2014年 ◆



 長山 浩章

   An Analysis of Management Efficiency at Japanese and Korean Electric Companies and the

   Effects of Business Integration.

   Hiroaki Nagayama




 近藤 正幸

   Successful Factors of Japanese R&D Center Management in China

   Masayuki Kondo




 石井 洋平

   Plotting Out the Patterns of Specialization Describing Industrial Transition from Developed

   Countries to Developing Countries and its Implication

   Yohei Ishii




 醍醐 市朗、藤原 亮、後藤 芳一

   How Metal Demand in Developed Countries Slows Down:a Comparative Study between

   Industrialized Countries

   Ichiro Daigo, Ryo Fujiwara, Yoshikazu Goto





 大川 直久 

    Regional Brand Development of Agriculture Products -The Case of Haruyutaka Wheat in

    Ebetsu City

  Naohisa Okawa





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 19 2013年 ◆


 宮林 正恭

  The necessity of the conscious approach to Risk and Crisis Management

  Masayasu Miyabayashi



●Product realization history of 8 products development mainly for railroad and automobile use   

 Haruo Sakamoto


   坂本 東男




 中谷 隼、醍醐 市朗、松八重 一代、中島 謙一、井原 智彦、田原 聖隆

   Structural Analysis of Supply Chain Outage Risks using Graph Theory

   Jun Nakatani, Ichiro Daigo, Kazuyo Matsubae, Kenichi Nakajima, Tomohiko Ihara, Kiyotaka Tahara




 近藤 正幸

   Japanese Company R&D in China

   Masayuki Kondo





 長山 浩章

   Early structuring of business model that will support Japan’s uniform industry’s capturing global market growth

   Hiroaki Nagayama





 趙 元媛、袁 小涵

  Condition of Industrial Cluster Formation in the Less-developed Region of the North-East China

  - the Case of Socks and Stockings Industry in Liayuan City, Jilin Province-

  Zhao Yuanyuan, Yuan Xiaohan





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 18 2012年 ◆

●循環資材への環境安全品質及びその検査方法の導入方法 ―産学官連携による標準化活動の事例分析―   

 坂元 耕三、肴倉 宏史

   Installation of environmental safety standards of chemicals in recyclable materials

   -The Case Study of Standardization Activity Based on industry- university-government relations-

  Kozo Sakamoto, Hirofumi Sakanakura


●Developing Indigenous Solar Energy Industry in Saudi Arabia:  Present Situation and Future Issues   

  Bukhary Essam Amanallah


   ブカーリ イサム


●途上国の先駆的産学連携・知財マネジメント  ―タイのチュラロンコン大学のケース―   

 近藤 正幸

  Pioneering University Industry collaboration and Intellectual Property Management in a Developing Country

  -The Case of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand- 

 Masayuki Kondo


●東アジア経済の技術特価パターンはランダムか累積的か?  特許データを用いた実証分析   

 宮城 和宏

   Are technological specialization patterns Random or cumulative in East Asia?

   An analysis of patent statistics

   Kazuhiro Miyagi




 星野 岳穂、松野 泰也、足立 芳寛 

    Estimate and Forecast of Worldwide Internet Users and Installed Base Personal Computers 

 Takeo Hoshino, Yasunari Matsuno, Yoshihiro Adachi 





◆ 開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 13 2007年 ◆



  大野 祐司



   Yuji Ono



“Evolutionary theory” argues that ideal market conditions which “neo-classical economists” propose do not occur in practice since modern society is complicated. This paper intends to explore whether or not market mechanism works effectively in terms of improving the safety performance of cars owing to the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP). 

NCAP evaluates the safety performance of cars by the third party and provides simplified safety information to users. Manufactures have tried to obtain better results in the program and hence safety performance of cars has been improved. The paper found that the program has contributed to improving the safety performance of cars under the effective market mechanism.


要  約

新古典派経済学派の、市場メカニズムに任せておけばうまくいくという主張に対し、Evolutionary theoryは、現代社会は複雑で新古典派経済学派が主張する様な理想的な市場条件は容易に成立しないとしている。この論文では、自動車の安全性向上のための施策において、市場メカニズムが有効に機能しているかどうかについて事例分析を行った。




途上国において成功するハイテク分野の産学連携 ―タイのハード・ディスク・ドライブ産業をケースとして―

  青木 勝一、  近藤 正幸


  Masakazu Aoki, Masayuki Kondo



University-Industry Collaboration (UIC) is one of the important factors for innovation in high-tech industries even in developing countries. This paper proposes a model to develop UIC in developing countries by using the case of the Hard Disk Drive Industry in Thailand. UIC in a high-tech industry in a developing country develops in two stages. At the first stage, only a limited number of companies and universities collaborate in developing human resources and conducting collaborative research. Two factors are needed for this first-stage collaboration to happen. One is that high-tech companies, mostly multi-national companies (MNCs), are forced to increase value added to cope with wage increase and to compete with competitors in lower-wage countries. They are obliged to improve their technology as a part of their global strategies by taking any possible measures including the collaborating with universities in developing human resources and conducting joint research. The other is that some university faculty members are capable to collaborate with these global companies. At the second stage, UIC develops into a systematic well-organized collaboration with the participation of many companies and universities through public sector involvement. For the transition to occur, the public sector needs to support UIC financially through project funding and to establish a management structure to formulate project plans, to monitor and coordinate the execution of the projects and evaluate the performance.


要  約



北海道アグリバイオ・クラスター・ネットワークの構造分析 ―クラスターの診断法の確立に向けて―

  坂田 一郎、梶川 裕矢、武田 善行、柴田 尚樹、橋本 正洋、松島 克守


  Ichiro Sakata, Yuya Kajikawa, Yoshiyuki Takeda, Naoki Shibata, Masahiro Hashimoto,Katsumori Matsushima



We formulate the way of analyzing the architecture of cluster network. Based on the way, we reveal the architecture of the Hokkaido Agri-Bio industry network.


要  約




  江藤 学


   Manabu Eto



The standard promoted the bicycle industry of Japan. However, now, the standard is killing the bicycle industry of Japan. Recently, newly industrializing Asian countries such as China are occupying 90% of the bicycle market of Japan.

A detailed standard lowers the barriers to entry to the product production. The standard makes easier the entry of the small and medium-sized enterprises into the bicycle parts industry, and raises the bicycle industry of Japan. However, this detailed standard also lowers the barriers to entry the bicycle industry for newly industrializing countries in Asia.

I discovered some movements to revive the bicycle industry of Japan. One of them has achieved a live-and-let-live relationship with newly industrializing Asian countries. Another one succeeded in the product innovation in the bicycle market.

I investigated these movements in detail and analyzed what effect the standardization activity had on the market competition of Japan and newly industrializing Asian countries.


要  約





   Bukhary Essam

 サウジアラビア国産の技術的 イノベーション能力構築に向けた課題

  ブカーリ イサム


要  約




Saudi Arabia is facing challenges in building a non oil-based economic structure and creating new jobs for the younger generation in the face of pressure from the high rate of population increase. As proved by the development models of Asian countries, science and technology can play a role in achieving the goals of economy diversity and job creation. However, the level of science and technology in Saudi Arabia does not seem to be high enough in order to apply these development models. This paper aims to clarify the challenges of indigenous capability building in Saudi Arabia. The current situation of science and technology in Saudi Arabia is presented. Then, the paper highlights problems due to the absence of Saudi companies in high technology sectors as well as the absence of a technological innovation environment in Saudi Arabia. While Saudi Arabia has potential in the petrochemical industry, new policies are required for promoting the development of leading Saudi companies in high technology sectors, such as automotives and electronics. Moreover, highly qualified management in higher education and public organizations is required to create an innovative environment for the researcher. Finally, the paper discusses the possible approaches for a new Saudi model of indigenous technological innovation capability building


●雁行型経済発展における中国の位置づけについて ―東アジア諸地域の貿易構造を中心に―

  穆 尭芋



   Yaoqian Mu



With the high growth of China, it is argued that international propagation of the industry in the Flying Geese (FG) model has changed from the Japan →NIES →ASEAN →China. However, regrettably there exists no statistical verification based on minute data analysis about this change of the Flying Geese pattern. This paper researches the dynamic change of the trade structure in east Asian by using the index of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Trade Specialization Coefficient (TSC), across resource-intensive industry to labor-intensive industry and capital-intensive industry. This paper collects import and export data across 8 industrial field and 23 items of International Trade goods over a time span of 10 years. Further, this paper adds the viewpoint of income by comparing GDP per person with PPP. This extensive data analysis clearly shows that the pattern of the Flying Geese model has changed to Japan→NIES→ China →ASEAN.


要  約

中国の高度成長により,雁行型経済発展(Flying Geese pattern of development)における産業の国際伝播の順序は日本→NIES→ASEAN→中国から変わったと議論されている。しかし残念ながら,「雁の群れ」の変形についてデーター分析に基づく統計的な検証が行われていない。本文は顕示的比較優位指数(RCA)と貿易特化係数(TSC)を用いて,資源集約産業から労働集約産業,資本集約産業まで8の産業分野で23の国際貿易品目を対象に,10年間の輸出入データーを収集し,データー分析を通じて東アジアにおける貿易構造のダイナミック的な変遷を研究した。また購買力平価(PPP)で計算した一人当たりの国内総生産(GDP)の国際比較を行い,所得分配の観点から東アジアにおける「雁の群れ」の順序は日本→NIES→中国→ASEANに変わったことを明らかにした。

開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 12 2006年

●Action for the Protection of the Environment : The roles of national governments, local governments, and civil society

  Hideo Shingu, Barbara Sundberg Baudot

 宗教・哲学・科学および人間本性から見た地球環境保全 ―政府・地方自治体・民間人の行動に要請されること― 

  新宮 秀夫、バーバラ・サンベルグ・ブドー


要  約




地球環境保存、という目的に対して書かれる多くの文章は、エネルギー大量消費にともなう地球環境の悪化を技術によって防止する方策であったり、政治的な規制を“経済活動を損なわない” 条件の下でいかに実施するかの提案であったりする。









結局、人間は生きていく上で、なにか“絶対”といえる拠りどころがないと不安になる。しかし絶対といえるものを見つけるのは本来不可能であるからこそ、それは絶対なのである。この難問をしのぐために三つの方策を人間はひねり出した、とみれば判りやすそうである。つまり、宗教はそれを神様にゲタをあずけてしまう、哲学はそれは何かを考え続けることで人間らしさを味わって誤魔化す、科学は適当なところにそれを設定して(絶対空間、絶対温度、相対論など) 実験で確かめたなどど称して、その範囲で生きる方便をいろいろ工夫する、ということなのである。




























While environmental degradation quietly accelerates, part of human society prospers in the deceiving splendor of great wealth in things, other parts aspire to this affluent life style and the rest of humanity remain in various levels of poverty-be it relative or absolute, living either lightly on the land as their ancestors before them or in the squalor and filth of new urban and rural slums. 

Yet, all human beings regardless of their condition are bound to be concerned about the planet's future, for themselves, their children, and successive generations. It would not be pleasant to live in a milieu bereft of the resources it once offered and enveloped in poisonous gases and contaminated waters. There is need to worry now as millions of people scratch barren earth to grow food, swelter in endless days of heat waves, and when cloned animals and genetically modified seeds are beginning to replace or contaminate the rich varieties of hardy plants and animals nature had placed on earth. Worry is even more pressing when, in the not so distant future, millions more people may freeze in climates heretofore warmed by gulf streams. And finally, in addition to the physical discomforts and inconveniences brought by a sick planet, everyone must be most concerned about the damage to the character and soul of humanity that comes with vanishing nature.

In the middle of the 19th century, John Stuart Mills prophetically described the negative impact socio-economic progress and development would have on the natural environment and how this would affect the life and more importantly the character and soul of humanity: 

A world from which solitude is extirpated, is a very poor ideal. Solitude (...c) is essential to any depth of meditation or of character; and solitude in the presence of natural beauty and grandeur is the cradle of thoughts and aspirations which are not only good for the individual, but which society could ill do without. There is not much satisfaction in contemplating a world with nothing left to the spontaneous activity of nature; with every rood of land brought into cultivation, which is capable of growing food for human beings, every flowery waste or natural pasture ploughed up, all quadrupeds or birds which are not domesticated for man's use rooted out, and scarcely a place left where a wild shrub or flower could grow without being eradicated as a weed in the name of improved agriculture. [1]

Given the profound effects of environmental change on the whole human condition, a holistic approach must be taken to design and implement policies to discourage and put an end to further degradation of the planet. Unlike other major areas of public policy such as industrial development, social welfare, economic growth or poverty reduction, the protection of the environment involves all aspects of life in society and all dimensions of the human experience including the spiritual. 

Environmental protection must thus be seen through the prisms of religion and philosophy, as well as that of science. It is only with a sense of purpose informed by these fundamental sources of knowledge that legislators, entrepreneurs, scientists, representatives of non governmental organizations and ordinary citizens can meaningfully cooperate in the task of preserving the environment with a profound sense of meaning and a shared feeling of urgency. To take any lesser route to environmental policy making is to rely upon limited solutions, for example using plugs to slow down leaks in a dam, while one is aware that the pressure of water continues to mount and will eventually force the barrier to collapse. Given the magnitude of the environment problems facing the world, partial and parochial solutions cannot reasonably be expected to stave off catastrophe. Yet, this is the way policies are drawn up today. 

There are great obstacles to designing and implementing measures that would serve the long term interests of humankind. Private and public decision makers are too often inclined to abide by the wishes of constituents who uncommonly see beyond their short term interests, narrow prejudices, and material values. To adopt major policies that will stave off further destruction of the environment is the most serious responsibility facing humanity. The destiny of human life may depend on it.

This paper offers, in Part I through Part IV, a holistic approach in arguing for ideas that are intended to move constituents as well as policy makers to take a broader and more caring look at the issues at stake: 

In Part I, the importance of knowledge and feelings about Nature to be gained from religion, philosophy and science is emphasized. Philosophy and religion rarely companion with knowledge gained from scientific thinking in public and private policy making, but in designing the wide ranging and long term measures to protect the environment, these sources of human knowing and action offer dimensions essential to this task. 

In Part II, reflections on human nature are presented for the purpose of having the clear image of the best way to direct the effort of policy making which will be discussed in Part III. 

In Part III, the policy making by different actors, including national governments, local governments, and civil society is taken up. In outlining the problems, responsibilities and activities carried out by these actors, the underlying roles of religion, philosophy and science are again evoked. 

Finally in Part IV a model showing the engineering of a large scale solar-energy project is presented.



山崎 晃


 Akira Yamazaki



Since around the 1980's, many Japanese enterprises have been making inroads into Malaysia, attracted by cheap labor. At the moment, roughly 1300 of them are operating in the country, mainly in the electric and electronic sector. Now, Malaysia is facing the challenge to enhance its competitiveness by manufacturing more value-added products. To ensure this, transfer of technology must progress smoothly while R&D, which is indispensable to a more self-reliant development in the future, needs to be localized. At the same time, it is important to nurture the necessary human resources to support such localization. In this connection, a survey and interviews were conducted to determine the current status of technology transfer as well as the degree of localization of R&D among the Japanese companies in Malaysia. In addition, the expectations of those who are engaged in R&D in the country were analyzed. These findings are expected to help set the technology transfer on the right course.


要  約




  長山 浩章


  Hiroaki Nagayama



This study calculates the appropriate target price for electricity in 88 countries using panel data (1970-2004) on electric power prices and the macro economy. In developing countries, electricity prices should be determined not only from financial viability of the public utilities, but also from the optimal allocation of resources and the efficiency of supply chains as well as the role of the social safety network. These comprehensive requirements should be met simultaneously. 

The setting of the electricity prices varies according to the monopoly or competitive status of the electricity industry. It also depends on whether a marginal or average price is to be employed. In addition, when comparing electricity prices between the countries, the two types of exchange rates must be taken into consideration: the official exchange rate and the purchasing price parity (PPP). The former is considered to be from the supplier's perspective and the latter is from the consumer's perspective.

It is important to analyze the electricity prices from both perspectives. 

The international competitiveness of the industry is reviewed from the supplier's perspectives and the level of burden for consumers is reviewed from the end user's perspective. An examination of electricity prices in developing countries should incorporate these compounded factors.

In countries where the electricity price should be raised, the optimal pass-through structure of risks to end users should be considered.


要  約




●植物新品種保護制度と遺伝子の特許制度の関係 ―両制度の融合の方向― 

 並河 良一


   Ryoichi Namikawa



The system for protection of new varieties of plants and the patent system for genes of plants have coexisted without overlap after various discussions in late 1990s', in Japan. However, recently, the social and economic circumstances surrounding these systems are changing. The technologies of gene, plant breeding and analysis are rapidly progressing; imports of agricultural products to infringe on Japanese breeder's right are increasing; the Japan-US-EU joint task on the patent of useful genes issued the reports. Under both of the two systems, now, the grant of the intellectual property right is subject to the conditions, the characters of plants and the structures of genes. That is, their territories are overlapping and the boundary is fading out. The author thinks that we should discuss again the relation of these two systems to establish a new system by unifying them from the view point of protection of intellectual property of genetic code. This matter, to which many other countries also face or will face with the progress of the technology, should be discussed internationally because each system is closely linked to its own international treaty.


要  約




  大川 令


  Tsukasa Okawa



Industrial development in a modern society has kept pace with the patent system and patents of invention. Generally speaking, many policy makers and administrators discuss and make a measure without fundamental knowledge and recognition of historical background and spirit about the patent system. Through the investigation of historical background of British patent system and patents of invention, we can understand the industrial development and the conceptual changes of the patent system. In this paper, the background of three ages characterized by different patent system, such as pre-patent age to Queen Elizabeth I, the age of Queen Elizabeth I, and the age until the industrial revolution after the Statue of Monopolies(1624), is discussed. It is understood the introduction of new measures and the reformation of old institutions generated many invention of steam engine, cotton fabric, iron and coal, finally led to the Industrial Revolution. The drastic technology changes had been brought and their influence had extended on allover the society. 


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  岡 喜秋、井上 真二、金木 裕一、山越 幸康、高橋 智 


  Yoshiaki Oka, Shinji Inoue, Yuichi Kaneki, Yukiyasu Yamakoshi, Satoshi Takahashi



BME (Biomethylester) subcommittee researched biodiesel producing technologies, reduction of greenhouse gas emission and profitability for biodiesel producing from waste edible oil and energy crop. Biodiesel production from virgin rapeseed oil was possible for profitability in Japan and reduction of greenhouse gas emission in the case was 76.8%. Development of utilization technology for seedcake and glycerin (side-product of biodiesel) was important to attain enough profitability. It is important that a quantity of CO2 emission in energy glass cropping is cleared to measure real CO2 emission.


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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 11 2005年



 遠藤 小太郎、石川 朝之、吉田 真悟、武田 邦彦

 Social Technology of Safety and Sense of Security in City

  Kotaro Endo, Tomoyuki Ishikawa, Shingo Yoshida, Kunihiko Takeda



Typical subjects regarding the problems of safety and the sense of security in a large city in Japan and the present status and

social technology towards inherently solving these problems were studied. First of all, fire was chosen as an example of safety

problems due to physical factors. The number of victims in the U.S.A., Korea and Japan was compared and the decisive social technology to protect people from fire accidents was discussed. Secondly, traffic accidents in a large city were studied as an example of danger caused by complex physical and human factors; comparisons with victims in London were made, and the present status of the decisive technology being developed to solve the problems was clarified. As for the dangers caused by human factors, the unique characteristics of Japanese society were discussed in relation to the crimes and terrorism occurring in the U.S.A. and England, and what social technology can contribute towards resolving these problems. Security problems caused by psychological factors were classified into two categories. One is the danger and the shaping of psychological hazards caused by high buildings and automobiles. In this case, the actual risk becomes amplified into a psychological hazard. The other is the sense of insecurity with no concrete cause, or the "illusory hazard" generated by the mass media. The merged technology of the humanities and sciences is necessary to resolve these problems. In conclusion, the wrong impression that safety cannot be maintained in human life and society's misunderstanding of modern technology are the factors that threaten the safety and sense of security in a large city. Finally, it was shown that the modern social system including democracy, the highly sophisticated level of designing and developed industrial technologies are not functioning effectively in terms of their primary purposes, which are to improve safety and sense of security.


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●Development of a Dynamic Model for CO2 Emissions from Gasoline Vehicles in their use Stage

  Yoshihiro Adachi, Ichiro Daigo, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yasunari Matsuno


  足立 芳寛、醍醐 市朗、山田 宏之、松野 泰也


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Balance Modelといわれる手法を用いた。また、統計から得られる実際の寿命分布から、寿命分布関数を決定する際に、おおむね既往研究で示されたワイブル分布を踏襲したが、使用年数が長いところでの寿命分布関数を補正することにより、より実際の寿命分布に合った寿命分布関数を決定することができた。




The Kyoto Protocol has entered into force and Japan must now attain its emission reduction target, even while CO2 emissions in the transport sector tend to rise, and gasoline-powered vehicles account for a high proportion. The purpose of this research was to focus on the CO2 emissions from Japan’s entire gasoline vehicle fleet and build a dynamic model which finds the emission quantity. To build the dynamic model we used a method called the “population balance model,” which finds the fleet size of a given year from the numbers of new vehicles registered in past years and their lifetime distribution (service life distribution). When determining the lifetime distribution function from the actual lifetime distribution obtained from statistics, we generally followed the Weibull distribution given in past research, but by correcting the lifetime distribution function when vehicle service life is long, we were able to elicit a lifetime distribution function more in line with actual lifetime distribution. Our model determined that the amount of CO2 emitted by gasoline vehicles in 2002 emissions had increased 36% over 1990 emissions. Next scenario analysis was predicted on the CO2 emissions from Japan痴 gasoline vehicle fleet until 2020 under several scenarios. Three parameters were changed in each cenario: average fuel efficiency, average lifetime, and the number of new vehicles registered. It  is found that reducing emissions to the 1990 level in 2010 would require improving average fuel consumption by 1.7 km/L every year, making it 18.9 km/L in 2010, and that the number of new vehicles registered would have to change so that the fleet would decrease at a fixed rate of 3% annually. Additionally, we explored the change in emissions that would result from not only the 1.7 km/L yearly fuel efficiency improvement, but also vehicle replacement with a short lifetime of 8.8 years and a long lifetime of 17.1 years. Under this scenario, it is found that CO2 emissions from gasoline vehicles in 2010 would change only 0.6%, which means little short-term effect. Key words: Population Balance Model, lifetime distribution, CO2, fuel efficiency, scenario analysis



●国内技術移転としての公的研究機関スピンオフ ―旧理研と理研産業団を事例として―

  近藤 正幸

 Spinning off from Public Research Institutes as Domestic Technology Transfer - Case of RIKEN and RIKEN Industrial Group -

   Masayuki Kondo



The importance of domestic technology transfer from public sector - universities and public research institutes - to industry is increasing in the age of science-driven innovation. After comparing domestic technology transfer with international technology transfer, this article first discusses the means of domestic technology transfer. Then, this article presents a very special case of a

public research institute in Japan. This research institute, on one hand, established many companies and lead 63 companies at

maximum before the end of WWII. On the other hand, it excelled in science. The first two Nobel Prize Laureates of Japan were

researchers of this research institute. The article discusses the management of this institute and its group companies to draw

some lessons.


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エネルギーフローから見たエネルギー  利用技術の進展とモバイル・ユビキタス時代のエネルギー供給

  大 川 令

 Supply of Energy for Mobile and Ubiquitous Age based on Energy Flow Analysis

   Tsukasa Okawa



Energy uses in a modern society started from natural and renewable energy such as wind, water and solar power. After the industrial revolution in England, fossil fuels have been extensively utilized and many energy converters such as steam engine, dynamo and combustion engine have been invented. In order to compare the change of supply system of energy overtime, new concept of "tertiary energy" is defined as energy after intake into energy converters to final consumption. At the same time certain part of the tertiary energy is defined as "ubiquitous energy" when energy is available to users any time and mobile manner.

Recently ubiquitous energy as the form of storage battery has well been developed reflecting the information technology usage.

Energy saving as a society can be achieved by allocating energy converter close to the final user, because of superior overall

efficiency of utilize heat and electricity.


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●アジアの産業分野別の環境負荷  ―CO2排出量の検討―

  武石 礼司

 Environmental Impact of Division of Industrial Sectors in Asia  - CO2 Emission Analysis-

   Reiji Takeishi



Asian countries have accomplished steady economic development and the amount of energy consumption is increasing. Since energy consumption increased, carbon-dioxide emissions are also increasing. Worsening and diversification of environmental problems have been induced. This is the negative impact of economic development. Increase of energy consumption is mainly brought about by industrial development. In Asia the consumption of coal, oil and gas have increased in power generation, a manufacturing industry, home and public sector and transportation business. Carbon-dioxide emissions are mainly caused from the power generation and the manufacturing industries in Asia. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the trends of the steel and iron, cement, paper pulp, chemistry, and electric power industries. Energy use efficiency should be compared with carbon-dioxide-emission efficiency, and it is necessary to examine the reduction possibility. Environmental consideration should never be neglected from a stage of development. Japan's experience of energy savings and recycling should be utilized in Asia. Discussion for the possibility to expand the environmental market is also necessary in Asia.


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●1989, 1996, 2000年におけるベトナム産業の分野別エネルギー消費

 グエン T. アイン テュエット、石原 慶一

Sectoral Energy Consumption in Vietnamese Industry in 1989, 1996 and 2000

   Nguyen T. Anh Tuyet, Keiichi N. Ishihara



The energy intensity, which is defined by the ratio of energy consumption to gross domestic product or gross output, is decreasing in almost all developed countries. However, in developing countries, even if the energy intensity is decreasing, the total energy consumption is increasing because of the significant increase of final demand accompanied with the development. Vietnam has remarkably progressed since the adoption of the new "Doi Moi" policy in 1986. The Vietnamese economy had been mainly centrally planned before the Doi Moi policy, but the gradual shift to an industrial base caused a heavy requirement for energy and material resources. In this work, the analysis of embodied energy consumption in Vietnam during the period from 1989 to 2000 by the use of input-output energy analysis is carried out, in which the change of embodied energy consumption is decomposed into the change of direct energy intensity and that of final demand by structural decomposition analysis. Furthermore, the basic production for industries in detail.


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21世紀の産業経済の新しいパラダイム   ―日本と開発途上国の新しい分業をもとめて―

  吉川 智教

New Paradigm of Industrial Society in 21st Century - New Relation between Japan and Developing Countries-

   Tomomichi Yoshikawa



Recently many people in Japan have recognized that in 20th Century manufacturing industry of Japan was competitive but in new century manufacturing industry does not have competitiveness. From the end of 20th Century to the beginning of 21st century, there are several interesting phenomena such as restructuring of large firms, emerging R & D based start up firms, emerging high technology of bio, nano technology and the third industrial revolution. Many Japanese wonder why we have these new phenomena. These recent phenomena are interrelated each other's. We would like to discuss these issues under the key words of product innovation, innovation management, R&D based start up firms, high technology and third industrial revolution.


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●対インドネシア民間セクター開発分野・政府開発援助 技術協力における技術移転に関する一考察

  本間 徹

A Study of Technology Transfer for Private Sector Development through Technical Cooperation under the Official Development Assistance for the Republic of Indonesia

  Toru Homma



Technology transfer has been the core tool for technical cooperation implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency under the Official Development Assistance, particularly in the field of private sector development, however it has various challenges. A wide range of countermeasures have been attempted to tackle these challenges and to adapt for environmental change behind technology transfer. In the case of a project implemented in the Republic of Indonesia which is the largest recipient country of Japan's technical cooperation, several concepts have been tried as the solution including; concept of 'learning-by-teaching,' effective introduction of business incentives, teamwork, mutual effectiveness with provision of technical services and so on under the modality shift of technology transfer. In order to ensure sustainability and make the technology transfer more effective, it will be important to improve the technology transfer that formed the core foundation of Japan's technical cooperation, from the viewpoint of Training of Trainers, South-south Cooperation, Capacity Development and others.


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●国際電力企業の投資行動  ―国際クロスセクションデータによる実証分析―

  長山 浩章

Investment Behaviors of Power Companies in the World -An Empirical Analysis using International Cross Section Data-

   Hiroaki Nagayama



In this paper, I examined the investment behaviors of utility companies in U.S., Europe, and Japan, using international cross section data of 29 companies in 89 countries. Statistically significant results common to the European, U.S. and Japanese companies are investment in close geographical location. Japanese companies tend to invest in the countries where government guarantees are issued and the number of their investments are proportional to the years of experiences. European and U.S. companies tend to invest in the former colonies or the country where the native language are the same. Their generation projects tend to be located at larger markets and distribution projects tend to be located where market reforms has been progressed. There used to be the tendency that the government guarantee had been issued for the projects in Asian developing countries. However, this tendency will be ceased. In this situation, Japanese companies need to restructure their investment strategies not to resort to the government guarantees as seen in the practices of European and U.S. companies.


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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 10 2004年


産学連携の実態と研究開発型中小企業の重要性 -日本のイノベーションシステムに対するインプリケーション-

 元橋 一之

The Role of New Technology Based SMEs in University Industry Collaboration Activities: Implications for National Innovation System of Japan

   Kazuyuki Motohashi



Global water crisis is one of the most serious issues in the 21st century. The crises are severe water shortage, water pollution,

environmental destruction in water bodies, exhausted groundwater, increased flood damage in the whole world.

There are 261 international rivers in the world, where various kinds of conflicts are arisen. Though Japan has no international rivers, we must be conscious of a historical and geopolitical responsibility to contribute to overcome the crises, especially for the Monsoon Asia water crises, as the first country to achieve the modernization in Monsoon Asia.


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 坂元 耕三、近藤 正幸

The Analysis of University-industry Research Collaborations by Time Series and Corporate Characteristics

   Kozo Sakamoto, Masayuki Kondo



The role of university-industry research collaborations has been increased recently from the point of new industry creation and job creation in Japan. This paper aims to clarify the significance of university-industry research collaborations in a national innovation system and to analyze university-industry research collaborations by time series and by corporate characteristics based on Yokohama National University’s data.

The result shows that both the number and total research expenditure borne by companies of university-industry research collaborations have been increased steadily and that the concentration and diversification have been occurring at the same time. For the examples of concentration, the number of companies that conduct a plural number of collaboration projects at the same time has been increasing, the number of projects with large companies whose budget of research collaboration is large, has increasing, and the number of companies in the vicinity of the university has been increased. For the examples of diversification, new companies have joined to research collaboration with the university, the number of faculty members engaging in research collaboration increased, and the research collaboration budget has been diversified.


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技術距離と地政距離の戦略展開  ─経済成長のスピルオーバーと研究開発のスピルオーバーの相関:


 カルロス カラバハル、渡辺 千仭、長田 直俊

Managing Technological and Geographical Distance

―Empirical Analysis of Its Correlation in Spillovers of Economic Growth and R&D: A Case of Japan

  Carlos Carvajal, Chihiro Watanabe, Naotoshi Osada



Over the last two decades, Japan demonstrated a conspicuous contrast between the first and the second decade with respect to its enterprises performance and economic achievement. During the 1980s, nation's target focus was on catching-up with advanced countries by increasing nationwide productivities. This was enabled by means of a high-technology miracle in an industrial society giving Japan the position of a world leader on its international competitiveness. Contrary to the preceding decade, Japan suffered a declining decade in the 1990s. Its productivity stagnated, resulting in a dramatic decrease in international competitiveness.

While the success in the first decade can be attributed to an increase in nationwide homogeneity, which corresponded to a productivity increase mechanism in an industrial society, its organizational inertia resulted in losing nation's heterogeneity essential for a productivity increase in an information society in the 1990s. This contrast provides an informative suggestion to the management of global enterprises amidst a paradigm shift from an industrial society to an information society. This paper demonstrates the above myth with respect to an increase in nationwide quantitative homogeneity based on an empirical analysis of Japan's regional development over the last two decades focusing on the role of trans-regional technology spillovers.


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 坂田 一郎

Business Model for Technology Incubators

   Ichiro Sakata



Technology incubators are proven to be an effective business model and an important tool to develop regional economy. First, we will reflect upon the success factors of three highly recognized American incubators from an industrial organizational perspective. Our hypothesis is that an incubator is, in essence, an exchange system between a module and another module, and that this exchange system functions most effectively by the existence of horizontal social links within the regional economic zone. We will name this “Inter-module exchange system”. Based on this hypothesis, the success factors of technology incubators would be “function”, “organization”, and “selection of subject”.

Secondly, we will analyze the results of a survey taken from leading incubator managers in Japan to explore the possibility for potential development of (Inter-module exchange system) in Japan. The results show that in the past several years, there has been heightened awareness towards an importance of community networks and collaboration with regional communities, and Japan has started to catch up with America, proving that it is possible to introduce this system to Japan. 

Finally, we classify entrepreneur modules by industrial sector of entrepreneurs. We discuss the features of each of them.


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 富田 徹男、長濱 元

Industrialization of China and Intellectual Property

  Tetsuo Tomita, Hajime Nagahama



About 60,000 domestic patent and design applications of People's China in 2000 were analysed and the levels of technology were measured. There are very few applications of machine-tools which paralyse new developments of technology in all fields. The real level of them is similar to the level of Japan before World War II. There are no applications for hard parts of electronic computer.

Taiwanese make all applications for advancing technology. The geographical distribution of those applications indicates the lowering power of Beijing and advancing future along the water-sides of Yang-Tze River and South China Sea.


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 長山 浩章

Risks and Countermeasures for Power Sector Reform in Asian Developing Countries

   Hiroaki Nagayama



The liberalization and privatization of power sectors have been proceeding in Asian countries since the 1990s. Although some differences in degrees of liberalization and of privatization exist, the countries aim to reduce electricity tariffs and increase private investment by separation of generation, transmission, and distribution, introduction of competition, and efficient management of power unitilities. Under this change, however, there was a big paradigm shift of Asian power sector framework which has been shifting from "Development of the power sector anchored on the government guarantee" to "That of reasonable and fair risk sharing by each stakeholder." Until now, in the Asian power markets, each country's public power utilities have been guaranteed electricity purchase backed by the government's guarantee, eventually relieving power IPPs from investment risks in the market. However, the government's guarantee is going to be ceased due to financial difficulties of the government. The greatest characteristic of the electric power sector reform in the Asian developing countries is that they are going to apply the same methods of reform already used in the West under the strong initiatives of international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and ADB. Such assistance is necessary for the reforms to be promoted and managed strongly. However, if it is carried out without any consideration of various factors such as economic, financial, political situations and national traits in each country and by the application of proper step-by-step schedule, the sector reform may suffer setbacks only resulting in the break-up of the public electric power utilities, and resulting in public dissatisfaction, especially in Asian developing countries where an investment environment, and man-power and institutional environment have not yet been sufficiently developed. It should be noticed that the schemes introduced in European and U.S electric power reforms experienced various difficulties in the past, and even now they are proceeding amongst trial and error. For designing power market under this new framework of power sectors, the government should prepare for the potential risks associated with power sector reforms, and assume its responsibility in the field where market mechanism does not work(transmission investment and rural electrification, etc.) and should design framework to facilitate competition among private investors.

A support scheme of Japanese government to the Asian Power Sector reform will need indirect support to the sector through the guarantees to call for private investment in addition to the current financing to the projects.


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 醍醐 市朗、石原 慶一

International Cooperation of Recycling

   Ichiro Daigo, Keiichi N. Ishihara



The 70% of steel products manufactured in Japan is finally brought to overseas. To promote the recycling of these products, international cooperation is needed. The purpose of this working group is to clarify the problems about the solid waste treatment in the Asian countries. In this article, the present status of the solid waste treatment in Vietnam, then how this problem is important will be discussed.


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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 9 2003年



 高橋 裕

How to Do against Global Water Crisis in the 21th Century ?

  Yutaka Takahasi



Global water crisis is one of the most serious issues in the 21st century. The crises are severe water shortage, water pollution, environmental destruction in water bodies, exhausted groundwater, increased flood damage in the whole world.

There are 261 international rivers in the world, where various kinds of conflicts are arisen. Though Japan has no international rivers, we must be conscious of a historical and geopolitical responsibility to contribute to overcome the crises, especially for the Monsoon Asia water crises, as the first country to achieve the modernization in Monsoon Asia.


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 真柄 欽次

Asia's Marine Resources Endangered by Economic Growth and Shift of the Population toward Coastal Regions

   Kinji Magara



The Asia and the Pacific region, with a population of some 3.5 billion, or about 58% of the world's total, occupies only one quarter of the land surface of the world. This suggests that the population density of this region is approximately four times as high as that of remaining parts of the world. Six countries in the Asia and the Pacific, such as China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan and Bangladesh, are among the ten most populous nations in the world.

In the last few decades, rapid economic expansion has taken place in this region, and people have moved from the rural, interior parts to already highly populated coastal districts in their attempts to obtain better economic and social status. Such mass demographic movements have resulted in environmental destructions not only along the coastal districts but also in the nearby seas themselves. Coral reefs and mangrove forests associated with many species of sea grasses are the most severely damaged in the Asian seas.

This paper seeks better solutions for improving the current status of the coastal and marine districts. Wiser management for population control and distribution, balanced economic development and environmental preservation must be looked for, with cooperation among local, state and international groups (N.P.O.’s and N.G.O.’s) and governments.


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FDI, Exports and Technological Capability Building in the Electronics Firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines

   Rajah Rasiah



Using a still evolving statistical methodology, this paper seeks to compare the export and technological capabilities generated by foreign and local electronics firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand, and to explain their determinants. FDI has been the dominant spur in the export thrust involving the electronics industry in all four economies. While the data available prevented an assessment of the role of FDI in technology diffusion to local firms, it was sufficient to establish capabilities developed within them. Apart from Philippines, foreign firms generally produced higher human resource and process technology capabilities in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Local firms were generally endowed with higher product R&D capabilities, but their participation strength was extremely low. Statistically only human resource (directly) and process technology (indirectly through link with human resource)) was strongly linked with exports. Product R&D enjoyed little relationship with all the explanatory variables. Foreign ownership were strongly correlated with exports, but its link with R&D was low owing to greater reliance on parent firms as well as the lack of strong high tech infrastructure in all four host-countries.


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●東南アジアの工業化と知的所有権  ―東南アジア4カ国の特許出願の分析から―

 富田 徹男 

Instrialization of South-East Asia and Intellectual Properties.

-Analysis of Domestic Applications of Patents for Four Countries of SouthEast Asia-

  Tetsuo Tomita



The domestic patent and design applications for Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (granted data for Malaysia) were analyzed from aspects of technological and geographical distributions. For those countries must exploit the competition advantageous products to obtain foreign currencies and to continue modernizations. The analyzed applications reached more than 7000 and their distributions were compared with those of Japan before 1900.

For technological distributions, all four countries had very few applications in the technology of textile which estimates the lack of machine-tool industries. Geographically applicants of Indonesia and Thailand were centralized in metropolitan cities and Malaysia and Vietnam distributed over the countries. In Vietnam there are two centers of applicants, Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh. In Ho Chi Minh, the applications grow very quickly whereas Ha Noi seems to loose its vitality. The area is estimated to become the industrial center in future.


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 グェンT.アイン テュエット、石原 慶一

Input-Output Energy Model and Cement Production in Vietnam

 Nguyen T. Anh Tuyet, Keiich N. Ishihara



The Vietnamese economy is currently undergoing extensive structural changes leading to a large increase in energy demand. Recently, the 1996 IO table for Vietnam was published. An analysis of economic activities and energy flow using the IO energy model is presented. It is noted that cement production gives rise to significant CO2 emissions in Vietnamese industry.

Based on the analysis presented here, an investment of US$150 million for a Vietnamese factory capable of producing 1 Mt cement/yr would lead to reductions in CO2 emissions of 174,000 t CO2/yr when the factory is operating at full capacity. Nationwide, a 35% reduction in CO2 emissions from cement production could be achieved by the complete renewal of production equipment.


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●政府資金による研究開発活動の定量評価に関する研究 ―技術波及効果定量評価モデルの構築―

 足立 芳寛

Resarch on The Simulation Models for Quantification of Ripple Effects in Publicly Funded R&D Projects

  Yoshihiro Adachi



Government and other publicly funded R&D has as its direct objective the expansion of technical knowledge in basic areas of the relevant fields of study and as a secondary objective the ripple-like expansion of peripheral technologies. The success of R&D can be said to be largely defined by not only the achievement of the initial objective, but also by the stimulative effect and ripple effect on related fields. When evaluating research, therefore, the question arises as to how these ripple effects can be quantified. A specific method of analysis has been sought for this. In this paper, I have constructed a model enabling extraction of the role played by a R&D project through regression analysis of the amount of related papers presented and the technostock.

Keywords & Phrases : Public R&D projects, Quantitative evaluation of research, Technostock, Simulation models, Stimulative effects and number of papers induced, Project management



政府等の公的資金による研究開発は当該研究領域の基礎部分の知識を拡大するという直接的目的とともに、周辺技術の波及拡大をも目的とするものである。研究開発の成否は、着手当初の目標達成もさることながら、この関連分野への刺激効果、波及効果(RIPPLE EFFECTS)によるところが大きいと言える。研究の評価を行う場合、この波及効果を如何に定量化出来るかが課題であり、民間企業においては、研究開発投資年度のあと数年後の売上高の伸び、新製品の利益高などの相関によって定量化を試みているが、基礎研究分野に対する投資としての公的研究開発効果に対する具体的分析手法が求められていた。本論文では、これを関連論文の投稿誘発量とテクノストックとの回帰分析により、当該R&Dプロジェクトの果した役割そのものを抽出する事を可能とするモデルの構築を行った。




 綾部 誠

The System of ゛Appropriate Technology Theory"and the Idea of ODA

 Makoto Ayabe



The Official Development Assistance which the Japanese government has carried out has been indicated several times on the points of which, the supplied equipment has not been used, it has caused environmental pollution and also has not led to the correction of a gap between wealth and poverty and the right or wrong of its effect has been questioned. As a factor of such a problem has continued to be indicated, first of all, it is considered that the methodology of its assistance has not accomplished its own formation completely yet. However, in my opinion, the cause of the problem would be that there is no an evident definition on the idea of ODA, which is a foundation of theory needed when the methodology is constructed.

In this paper, focusing on awareness of the issues in above, I would like to try to make it systematized by taking up the theory about the appropriate technology has developed in various international organizations so far and also indicate the viewpoint of reconsidering the idea of ODA. In addition, I will figure out a qualitative change of ODA and analyzed its feature by reconsidering the situation of ODA in recent years from this systematized framework.


要  約






 坂田 一郎

The Tax Reform as a Means to Simulate Innovation

 Ichiro Sakata



Among policy packages to bolster innovation, tax incentives are popularly in use in OECD countries. We first review the tax incentives introduced by OECD governments in their efforts to stimulate innovative activities. The Review discloses competitions arising among countries in getting value-added R&D activities and subsequent business activities to exploit such R&D results located in their boundaries. Second, we describe the tax reform plan adopted by the Japanese government as a means to stimulate innovation in 2003. We try to estimate economic benefits inherent to the tax reform plan. Our intension is to verify if or not the tax reform plan can demonstrate benefits of which impacts are felt in macroeconomic terms. Finally, based on such an analysis, we draft policy recommendations for developing countries, which are strengthening their policy efforts to stimulate innovation.


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 長田 直俊、 渡辺 千仭

A Study on the Trends and the Factors of New Firm Creation and Entrepreneurial Activity in Local Area in Japan

 Naotoshi Osada, Chihiro Watanabe



In this paper, I examined that newly established firms in local area played an important role in development of local economy, and the creation of new firms and the growth of them were influenced by certain conditional factors in its area. I also analyzed the changing intensity of those factors as to its date and by the type of business. Recognizing the present economic depression in Japan, I believe that it is important to vitalize the activity of the new firms in local area in Japan in order to strengthen the regional economy. 

I also concluded that we must develop policies which are not uniformal everywhere, but reflects regional history and its potentiality.

Although the activity of new firms in local area are not so clear statistically, I made a quantitative analysis of the relation among

local economy, the number of new firms and excellent companies, and conditional factors on the basis of prefectural data in the 1970's, the 1980's and the 1990's.


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●非論理哲学論考 ―「矛盾、無限、因果」とエネルギー・環境問題―

 新宮 秀夫


 Hideo Shingu



Contradiction, infinity, and causality are three faces of one riddle・・・Pantalogos

Contradiction, infinity and causality are the problems, which have been giving wonders to the human being ever since the beginning of history. These are the problems of religion, of philosophy and of logic. The great advancement of technology based on the progress of natural science and the resulting affluence of social life made contemporary people

think science and technology can take care of everything. Some people including some active scientists even fear what they should do if they would get the solution to the final problem without knowing what that problem is.

our knowledge of these three problems mentioned above, however, is not much greater than those of the people lived in caves in pre-historic days. No one, including scientists and philosophers can answer what happens if one trace backs the cause of any event back to the very beginning. Such backward tracing is Limitless. Limitlessness means the occurrence of the problem of infinity. Existence of infinity give rise to contradiction in our common sense, for example, a part can be as large as the whole

as pointed out by Aristotle.

The natural science upon which we are dependent so much presently, one should aware, is founded on the process of reasoning based on logic. However, logic is constructed upon the proofless acceptance of the denial of contradiction and placing it as an axiom. No one has the proof why one can reject the contradiction.

It should be remembered that logic is constructed on axioms, the constitution established by man, just like the rule of baseball prescribed by some people who invented such a game. What is the true rule of the universe, or, if it ever exists at all, no one knows. If there should exist a contradiction in the rule of universe the very base of logic collapses. Which mean all the proofs of natural science are nothing but an illusion. 

This article tries to direct the attention of the readers that our dependence on science based on logic works only when we play games within its limit. However, when we face the difficult and subtle problems, it is not certain if we are within such a limit. Typical example is the problem of human survival under the imminent and serious degradation of environment caused, without any doubt, by the excessive usage of energy in so called advanced societies.

Illogical philosophy should give the direction of thinking and consequently the new way of attacking these problems.


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 はたして、人間の世界に、そして自然界に矛盾は無いのであろうか? 宇宙は矛盾を全く含まないのかどうか、それを矛盾を始めから認めない論理学に立脚した科学で「証明」は出来ない。これらは、哲学の問題である。すなわち、科学技術の利用が進めば進むほど、哲学が重要になるのはこの理由によっている。






開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 8 2002年


 真柄 欽次

Sustainable Food Production and Environmental Protection in Asia and the Pacific Region in the 21st Century

  Kinji Magara



Since Agenda 21, the principal document of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in 1992,  endorsed the concept of sustainable development, it has received world-wide acceptance. Various international conferences on climate change, desertification, ozone layer, biodiversity, etc in the last decade, have strengthened the framework within which national, regional and international organizations work on environment-related management systems. In addition to activities

initiated by these governmental and intergovernmental organizations, movements of non-governmental groups (NGOs and NPOs) have emerged.

The Asia with only about 1/4 of the world's land surface, where approximately 58 % of the world population live, is characterized by a wide range of population density (Mongolia at the low end and South Korea at the high end), as well as of personal income (Mongolia and North Korea at the low end and Japan at the high end). The climate in the region also varies very widely from tropical to desert, through temperate and semi-arid, resulting in a variety of agricultural problems, such as physical and bio-chemical soil degradation, desertification, soil salinisation, and waterlogging. Shortage of both surface and ground water for farming will become more serious with time, primarily because of ever-increasing demand for food production as the result of the regional population growth and also of industrial development in the region. 

This paper proposes a variety of methods combating and controlling farmland deterioration and water shortage for sustainable agricultural production in this region.


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1992年、国際連合による「環境、開発会議」で提起された「アジェンダ 21」以来、「持続可能な開発」の考えが世界的に受け入れられるようになった。気候変動、砂漠化、オゾン層破壊、生物多様性、等についての1990年代の諸国際会議は環境マネージメントに関する各国政府と国際機関の協調体制を確立するのに役立った。非政府組織(NGOやNPO)の参加もあって、活動はさらに活発化した。







 新谷 由紀子、菊本 虔

A Study on Effective Technology Transfer System Fitted for the Relationships between Industry and Universities in Japan

  Yukiko Shinya,Hitoshi Kikumoto



A lingering recession in Japanese economy has increased the role of industry-university collaborative activities for both the development of new technologies and the promotion of academic researches. But there have been no rational cooperative relations between industry and universities, because they were mainly based on personal levels of faculty members and their counterparts in industry. This paper aims to clarify the characteristics of two types of approaches to technology transfer: one is through licensing, and the other is by forming collaborative researches. As a result, we have drawn a conclusion that it depends on its surrounding situations which way is best fitted to technology transfer, and we insist that the technology transfer approach by forming collaborative researches is mostly effective with regard to Japanese industry-university relationships.


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 坂田 一郎

Universities as a Cluster Creation Plateform

  IIchiro Sakata



In the process of industrial cluster creation, universities can play an important role in various ways, including technology transfer,incubator operation,entrepreneur education and a nodal point of human network besides high-level education and R&D activities. This paper presents the key role of universities for creating and strengthening clusters. We define such a role of universities as a cluster creation platform. Secondly, we verify that the platform has critical impacts on the regional cluster development through the analysis of three examples of rapid growing clusters as well as University affiliated technology incubators in the US. Finally, we discuss the potentialities of application of this model to the economic development processes in Asian countries including Japan, where economic, social or cultural background differs from that in the US.


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 那須 昭子、石川 朝之、土屋 敏明、武田 邦彦

Suitability of Recycling Cost on the Basis of Present Status and Materials Used in Home Electrics and OA Appliances

   Akiko Nasu,Tomoyuki Ishikawa,Tohsiaki Tsuchiya,Kunihiko Takeda



The domestic output, the wastes and the import-export relations of those goods from 1998 to 2000 were surveyed. It made clear that the output of daily and OA appliance have been decreasing and the waste of home electrics became greater in number than the electrics newly produced in 1999. In addition, the characteristics of materials used in home electrics and the harmful substances in recycling system were summarized and discussed on the costs of the virgin and the used materials so as to analyze the suitability of the socially recycling cost. The currently recycling costs are inappropriate because the values of the materials in used home electrics (\107 to \1,726) are much lower than the recycling costs. It means currently recycling system does not suit the purpose of saving resources and decreasing the volume of the wastes.


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 吉武 惇二、吉川 榮和

Review of Natural Gas Market in Asian Pacific Region and Future Natural Gas Industry Issues in Japan

  Junji Yoshitake,Hidekazu Yoshikawa



Currently the energy consumption of developing countries in the Asian Pacific Region is increasing significantly. Natural gas is not an exception. Compared to how much energy consumption would be necessary to raise Gross Domestic Production to the level of developed countries, developing countries need to consume a greater volume of energy than advanced countries.

In the near future, focusing on natural gas in the Asian Pacific area, China and India, two of the major energy consuming countries, will become natural gas importers. This poses a potential jeopardizing of the natural gas supply and demand relationship between exporters such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia, and importers such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan. In particular, the new appearance of China and India as natural gas importers will have a great impact on Japan, which relies heavily on natural gas supply from Asian Pacific countries. 

Emphasizing the natural gas issues which Japan is now confronting, this paper aims to clarify the direction which Japan should take in natural gas supply.


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 新宮 秀夫

The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

  Hideo shingu



The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. What can we learn from this famous utilitarian catch phrase that will help us find a solution to the serious and difficult energy- and environmental problems that we are facing? In our search for practical guidance from this phrase, we immediately notice that the meaning of “happiness” must first be defined.

The utilitarian image of the word happiness is very clear. Happiness can be measured by the amount of pleasure a person can enjoy. The pleasure, in turn, is proportional to the utility one can obtain, so that a more straightforward expression of the utilitarian principle might be the phrase “the maximum utility for the greatest number of people.” Aside from the debate about whether happiness can be measured by the amount of pleasure, since the advent of the utilitarian philosophies of J. Bentham, J. S. Mill and other scholars many people have questioned making utility the end of social activity. Nevertheless, utilitarianism has been the foundation of the world’s capitalistic economic activities ever since it was explicitly stated in early 19th century.

What was imaged by the word “utility” in the days of Bentham and Mill, the days when the industrial revolution was still underway and neo-classical economics had yet to emerge, was the real utility of things or services. Due to the industrial revolution, with the drastic increase in productivity supported by the full use of the coal-generated energy, the supply of utility and the output of goods and services quickly became more than enough for all the people in Europe and America. Why then didn’t people in western countries become happy, as Bentham and Mill dreamed?

 The neo-classical economists started to explain that what people seek is not the real utility of a good or service but its “marginal utility.” A glass of water does the same good to the body in one’s dining room or in the desert, so the real utility is the same in both places. However, the “marginal” utility is much higher in the desert. In the marginal analysis theory, the cost of anything is etermined by the degree of scarcity. In short, in the classical economy, utility is scaled by the value, but in the neo-classical economy “marginal” utility is evaluated with reference to the cost. The well-known epigram “ economists know the cost of everything but the value of nothing” applies to the neo-classical economists. The neo-classical economists converted the utilitarianism into what may be called the “marginal utilitarianism.”

Thus, when the scarcity of the basic utilities for subsistence disappeared, instead of seeking the metaphysically- and spiritually advanced enjoyment of life (as J.S. Mill himself dreamed) the society found itself with new scarcities, the scarcities of “marginal” utilities. Due to the nature of human beings, scarcity of “marginal” utility can never be eliminated. As is exemplified in a children’s song “ my dog is better than your dog,” people’s competitive minds prevent society from becoming contented. It must be remembered that providing more can never satisfy wants in economics. It is odd that the economists have overlooked such a simple mechanism of unavoidable economic growth.

Even today, the majority of famous economists stress that economic growth is imperative for the achievement of “the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.” Providing more, however, not only fails to satisfy wants but ─ as the so-called Say’s law “the supply creates the need” cleverly states - it also stimulates consumption. The exponentially growing economic system of today is a natural consequence of a capitalistic system founded on a utilitarian philosophy.

There are two arguments for the need to completely change the present economic mechanism- that is, the pursuit of sustained economic growth. One is that the earth’s capacity cannot accommodate the extravagant use of fossil and atomic energies that drive such ever-increasing economic activities without causing imminent harm to human beings. We must remember the eternal truth of Clausius’ statement, which was made at the end of 19th century:“ human beings are destined to live on the energies coming from the sun since there is no way of creating new energy no matter how much science advances.”

The second argument is that the “the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people ”will not be attained even if the real or marginal scarcity is eliminated. When one gives some serious analysis to the word “happiness,” one will realize that happiness may exist even in real scarcity, or in any kind of miserable situation for that matter. It may sound odd to find happiness in a state of suffering, yet it is a philosophy propounded in most of the religious scriptures the world over. It is clear that happiness is not some state of mind that economists or anyone else can “offer” by eliminating scarcity, or by any other actions or explanations. Buddhists call this world saha, which in Sanskrit means, “to endure suffering.” We all try to avoid suffering but fate might bring suffering to any one of us at any moment. We should realize that without suffering there is no happiness at all.

Therefore, if one seeks the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people, it is imperative that contemporary people avoid decreasing the scarcity of utility and keep the earth’s environment in conformity with human survival. One must realize that, assuming continued human survival, our future generations will enjoy great happiness regardless of the state of scarcity. When counting the greatest “number of people,” one must take the future number of people into account. As A. Pigou has pointed out, short-term exploitation of nature for the sake of an easy life for today’s limited human population will decrease the years allowed for the survival of the species. An easy life cannot be a chaste life, wrote A. Chekhov. Modest consumption of energy is now also an ethical problem.

One should remember that human beings can’t survive alone. We are a part of the totality of earth’s living creatures, and the “human centered” way of thinking should automatically lead us to consider better living conditions for other creatures as well. We should also keep in mind that we know very little. Allowing our belief in the capability of science and technology to let us tamper with nature is very dangerous. Immediate apparent good may bring an irrecoverable adverse effect in the future.

What practical action should we take, then? It is vain to preach to people about lives of chaste energy usage since the price of energy is presently so cheap. But it is cheap because we are using “forbidden” energy; forbidden, that is, if we are serious about “the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.”

In the economic world where the utilitarian principle prevails, everything is measured in terms of money. The control of money flow is the most effective way for guiding society in the right direction. Thus, taxation on energy would be the most straightforward way. Economists who talk about environmental taxation often mention the level of taxation that will“not” affect the growth of economy. No rational person would talk about taking medicine in a dosage that does not show a marked effect. Taxation must be made at a level that will, for instance, make the price of gas or electricity rise three-fold or more.

The current excessive use of energy and the very slow adaptation of natural energy “energy from the sun and biological sources” are simply due to the extremely low price of fossil fuel and nuclear-generated electricity. How much taxation will cause how much effect on the economy is something that must be tested step by step. As Baumol and Oats suggest, the relationship between the amount of taxation and its economic effect must be tested step by step. This is because the factors influencing the effect of large taxes are so complicated that it is best to follow the trial and error method. It should be remembered that taxation inevitably brings economic slowdown, in the sense that current “mainstream” economists, politicians, and people in charge of the economic society use this expression. However, when one is truly serious about the chances for our “happiness” and that of generations to come, it is quite clear what kind of action is truly“realistic.” The Chinese philosopher Lao Tse said that“great virtue might often appear wicked.” In the case of environmental problems, however, we cannot afford to say that Lao Tse’s saying holds true.


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 日本が技術の発信源であり続けるために ―2000年、2001年技術移転分科会活動報告―

 伊藤 久

An analysis on difficulties in transferring Japanese technology on to foreign soil, and how to retain its strength

in the course of global competition

   Hisashi Ito



It is quite important to quickly establish the firm and healthy operational bases of manufacturing facilities that are newly opened in foreign countries. It largely depends on efficiency in education and training of fresh local employees. It seems that many Japanese companies are experiencing certain difficulties in the subject. Apparently, similar inefficiency is also being felt in the field of ODA related activities. The paper analyses the problems from the viewpoint of cross-cultural communications, and presents several suggestions to improve the situation.


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  野田 忠吉、足立 芳寛、池上 詢、辛島 恵美子、菅原 繁夫、田中 真一、丸川 雄浄

Toward the Safe and Comfortable World

  Tadayoshi Noda,Yoshihiro Adachi,Makoto Ikegami,Emiko Kanoshima,Shigeo sugawara,Shin-ichi Tanaka,Katsukiyo Marukawa



It is our strong desire to create a safe and comfortable world. Indeed modern engineering systems based on highly-developed sciences and technologies brought about numerous benefits to mankind, but they sometimes entrap people into misfortune by sudden and unexpected accidents. The subcommittee for "Towards the Safe and Comfortable World" in the society of IDES studied these problems especially for the case of transportation. Included herein is the outcome of the study, consisting of the articles as follows; (1) procedures to clarify the cause of accidents, that is, to "Get the Facts," (2) encouragement of the atmosphere to sensitively predict and prevent accidents, (3) necessity of education on technologies and ethics to enhance one's ability in "Man-Machine Systems," (4) standardization of actual procedures for improving reliability and safety in "Risk Management," and (5) proposals for the revision of the Basic Safety Laws to look to safer transportation systems.


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  岡 喜秋、山越 幸康、金木 裕一

The BME subcommittee report for biodiesel (biomethylester) as an alternative diesel fuel.

  Yishiaki Oka,Yukiyasu Yamakoshi,Yuichi Kaneki



We examine fuels derived from agricultural products. Biodiesel(mainly biomethylester)are appreciated as an alternative automobile fuel in Europe. We investigate the manufacturing technology to standardize the biodiesel in Japan. The biodiesel, which was made due to recycle of waste edible oils at first, attracts an attention at present in Japan. We examine the biodiesel from vegetable oils(rapeseed oil, sunflower oil)in addition to that from waste edible oils. We investigate production technique and industrial standard in foreign countries and visit manufacturing plants. We study probability of development and feeding of the biodiesel as a help of carbon dioxide cutback pursued in the Kyoto Protocol. We are planning to hold a meeting and offer this result.


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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 7 2001年


 坂田 一郎、徳永 篤司、藤末 健三

An Application of the Business Incubator Model for Economic Development in Asia

 Ichiro Sakata,Atsushi Tokunaga,Kenzo Fujisue 



We face a boom of the establishment of business incubators in recent years. Today, there are estimated to be nearly 3 thousand programs all over the world. Since the significant positive impact of the incubator investments on the rapid growth of enterprise start-ups has been realized in the United States, the business incubators have become an increasingly widespread instrument for local economic and employment development in many Asian countries such as Japan,Korea, China, Hong Kong and India. First, we illustrate the comparative analysis of current experience in business incubation among the United States, Europe and some Asian countries. Secondly, we identify key operational issues and evaluation criteria, reviewing recent studies regarding incubator best practices and performance. Third, We estimate the impact of incubation activities on economic growth and so forth. Finally, we conclude that 5 key subjetcs are essential for improving incubator performace and spreading the use of the business incubator model in Asian countries. The subjects include : 1) offering a well-managed comprehensive business assistance services, 2) strengthening university affiliation, 3) developing best practice standards and benchmarks, 4) deepening the understanding of the value of the model. Then we have a final goal : setting in motion the virtuous cycle of incubator practices through solving above 5 subjects.


要  約

近年、世界的なビジネス・インキュベータの設立ブームが到来しており、世界全体で既に3,000プログラムが活動している。また、地域別にみると、先行したアメリカでその起業促進効果が実証されたことを受けて、最近、日本の他、韓国、中国、香港、インド等のアジア諸国においても、ビジネス・インキュベータ・モデルを経済開発の重要なツールとして活用しようとする動きが最近目立つようになってきた。本稿では、第一に、インキュベータの活動について、米欧とアジア各国との比較分析をし、両者又は国別の差異を明らかにした。第二に、アメリカにおけるインキュベータのベストプラクティスに関する研究成果をレビューし、インキュベータに求められる機能とその活動の評価の軸を抽出した。これらの過程で、2000年春、我々がアメリカで行った現地調査結果[1]も用いた。第三に、インキュベータに関する資源投入と経済パフォーマンスの関係について初歩的分析を行い、その連関を明らかにした。最後に、そうした分析を踏まえ、アジアのインキュベータ共通の課題として、1) 専門的な支援サービスの充実、2) 産学連携環境の整備と歩調を合わせた大学との提携強化、3) 理想型モデルとベンチマークの設定、4) インキュベーション活動の価値に対する社会的理解の形成等を抽出した。これらの課題を解決することにより、このモデル自身が自律的に成長し、より大きな成果を生み出すという好循環を創出することが望まれる。




 近藤 正幸

Chinese Mechanism to Create University Spin-off Venture Businesses

 Masayuki Kondo



China vigorously creates a large number of high-tech start-ups from universities and research institutes recently. This strategy is fairly successful especially in software industry, although China did not use its science and technology potential for economic development much in the planned economy period due to the separation of research and development function and production function. 

Those university spin-off venture businesses are especially visible in the China's Silicon Valley in Beijin. This success is explained by four kinds of factors: supply factors, driving factors, demand/market factors, and enabling factors.


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 Linsu Kim

Technological Capability Building for Industrial Development

 Linsu Kim



The paper presents two analytical frameworks that theorize how industrialization takes place through the development of technological capability in interactions with the evolution of market competition, government policy, corporate strategy, and social culture in the context of newly industrialized economies. Then, the paper examines the experiences of mainly Korea and briefly Taiwan, and Singapore as cases in point to describe the dynamics of technological capability building in the industrialization process. Finally, the paper suggests a set of implications for other developing countries.


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●ポーランド市場経済化における産業構造の変革  ─成長する産業、衰退する産業─

 和田 正武

Transformation of the Polish Industrial Structure in the Economic Transition-Emerging Industries and Diminishing Industries

 Masatake Wada



Ten years have passed after the drastic economic transformation started in Poland. Almost all regulations were demolished and global competition came to prevail in the Polish market in a very short period. Polish industries have made great efforts to adjust themselves to the new economic environment under the pressure from free market mechanism. This paper tries to give a clear view of the transformation of the Polish industrial structure during the last ten years.

During this period, we could observe a dynamic expansion, led by foreign investors, of daily and durable consumer goods industries, accompanied by a dramatic shrink of capital goods industries.

When we examine the textile industry, we can also notice a very clear structural change in this industry. Under the former structure, almost all textile industry-related goods, from raw materials, such as threads and cloth, to final goods and textile machinery, could be procured in the domestic market. But this structure has been demolished during the past ten years, resulting in the necessity of importing raw materials, intermediate goods and textile machinery. The free market chose only the apparel sector for Poland out of all textile related industrial sectors.

The destruction of the former self-supply system is one of the factors causing the currently growing international trade deficit in Poland. We have to reexamine whether such market choice in the industrial structure during the transitional period was a desirable one in the long term for the Polish economy.


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 川村 康文

Science Sense of Japanese Youth

  Yasufumi Kawamura



It is important that we must acquire scientific attitude and idea in a highly developed scientific and technological society. From this viewpoint, many suggestions have been made on the scientific attitude and ideas which the youth must acquire. In this research, the author reports on their view toward science sense. It is understood that children and youth between primary school and high school have 4 factors. The first is “science and technology is not useful.” The second is “They are not interested in science.” The third is “science and technology is almighty.” Then, the fourth is “destructive sense on science and technology.” Generally, Japanese youth didn't support the uselessness of science and technology. But they weren’t interested in “the science taught in school” and “Science itself.” Then, it is easy to understand that they came to dislike of science. The grope of all girls in primary, junior high school and senior high school non-science major and non-science major boys in senior high school were not interested in science. In the non-science major, we found that the tendency increased as they become older. 

Since they are watching the environmental destruction with their own eyes, they don't have “over reliance on science and technology” and “science and technology for the sake of them.” On the contrary, they have doubtful and negative sense of science and technology.

In Asia, people have an inclination for harmony with nature. Under such traditional view, can we develop the economy just as we did before and how do all the peoples on the earth accept the sustainable development? The above questions remains to be solved in the future.


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日米大学の研究開発環境の比較分析 ─博士号学位授与者数と政府研究資金に関する日米大学の比較分析─

 藤末 健三、西 和彦、坂田 一郎

Comparative Analysis of Research and Development Environment  in the Universities of Japan and the U.S.A

-Comparison of the number of doctoral candidates and the level of government funding for research

  Kenzo Fujisue,Kazuhiko Nishi,Ichiro Sakata



In terms of depression of Japan's competitiveness, interiority of Japanese universities was pointed out. In this study, we compared Japanese universities with US universities from viewpoints of the number of doctor candidates and the amount of government sponsored R&D budget. These two criteria are adopted in the Carnegie Classification. As a result, we found the following points under some conditions; 1) the number of US research universities (125) is much more than that of Japanese universities (16), 2) the share of graduate students among total students at US universities is higher than that at Japanese universities, and 3) the gap among US universities is larger than that among Japanese universities.


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 小紫 正樹

Study and Analysis on Mobility of Researchers in Asia & Pacific Region

   Masaki Komurasaki



Research and Development (R&D) activity is a driving force of economic development in each country and region. R&D is implemented by excellent researchers in indifference to their nationality. It is becoming extremely important to get excellent and many foreign researchers for promotion of R&D. Some countries are attracting more foreign talents to their countries・R&D community and leading the world class R&D activities. The flow of researchers in Asia Pacific (AP) region can positively promote the technology transfer. However, the one way flow of researchers from less advanced countries to advanced countries can be negatively resulted in enlargement of the differentiation. 

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the state of arts of flow of researchers in AP region and consider ways to promote the free flow of researchers among Asia Pacific economies in multilateral directions. The eighteen economies and 2,462 individual researchers in Asia and Pacific region participated in this survey work. 

“Indicator of Preference of Foreign Researchers on Individual Economy” is designed for quantitative analysis of comparing R&D environment of each AP economy. It is clearly shown that Singapore and USA are the most attracting economies for foreign researchers.


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  「日本の経験」、「アジアの経験」  ─異なる産業・技術発展のパス─

  佐藤 進

The Japanese Experience and the Asian Experience  -Different Paths to Develop its Industry and Technology

    Susumu Sato



In 1978, United Nations University (UNU) took up a research project to study “The Japanese Experience” The purpose of the project was, first to probe and extract the essence of the secrets behind the big success of Japan in achieving its industrialization, and then to provide developing Asian countries with useful hints in their course of pursuing the similar targets. Five years later, the project was completed and summary of the findings were made public in a report titled “The Japanese Experience” It pointed out three outstanding features in the pattern of development. They were: (1) Untiring effort of Japanese people over the period of six decades to nurture and establish technological expertise, and to finally attain self-supporting status thereof, (2) Successful intake of appropriate advanced technologies from the world to expedite the process, and (3) Transition from agriculture based economy to industry-oriented economy which ensured ample supply of labor force required by the industries. In its course, unique philosophy and/or management tools supported the process. They were: (1) Keen attention paid to five basic “M’s”・which were closely related to management of technology (Material, Machine, Method, Man, and Market), (2) Tight teamwork and positive interaction between engineers and floor operators, (3) Deliberately clearing one step after another in the process of reaching to self-supporting status, (4) Elimination of three “M’s”・from daily operation (namely, Muri = Irrationality, Muda = Inefficiency, Mura = Inconsistency).

While I’d been working for a steel manufacturing company for several decades after the last war, “the Japanese experience” had well settled within myself. In 1990, I’d started working as an independent technical consultant, and tried to transfer the experience to the people of Asian countries. Then, I came to realize that a totally different way of pursuing industrialization and acquiring technical expertise was commonly observed in Asia.

Since then, I’d been engaged in an in-depth study to compare the history of steel industry in Japan against that in Korea. My conclusion was that very rapid growing of the steel industry in Korea in recent years was made possible through combination of two factors: namely, import of a ready-to-apply advanced technology from Japan, combined with ample supply of knowledgeable engineers with high educational background.

As the similar pattern applies to many other Asian countries, their economies began taking off rapidly during 1980’s one after another. NIES countries and/or areas, among them, have already reached to such a point that now we should look for a equal partnership with them pursuing common interest, rather than treating them just as a recipient of our technology. We must establish a new position of Japan along with Asian countries, rather than sticking to our yesterday’s position that was conceivably set against them.


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 池田 誠

Report of a Research Project that Develops the Environment Education Tool Kit of a New Energy

   Makoto Ikeda



The purpose of this research project is the development of the tool kit for environment education. And also the member of this project is having an interest to the new social system that harmonizes with environment. The main research theme is circulation style natural energy. For example it is photovoltaics and wind force power generation. As an integral part of the activity, the member of this project participated in the event of "the day of international cooperation". We made "a natural energy instrument shelter" etc. and displayed with the event. Besides, this department meeting made the development of the software of the environment education simulation model for the child. In this manuscript, I introduce it about the development of the simulation model for this environment education.


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 日米独エネルギー環境ワークショップ   ─浮き彫りにされた共通点、相違点─

  鈴木 達治郎

The 1st US-Japan-Germany Energy & Environment Work Shop -Differences & Commonalties among the Three Countries

  Tatsujiro Suzuki



This paper is a summary of discussion at the first US-Japan-Germany Energy Expert Workshop held in Berlin, Germany, from June 17th to 20th, 2000. The main purpose of the meeting was to exchange frank opinions and views from participants who can express their personal views. This meeting was a continuation of past three US-Japan Energy Expert Workshops but was expanded to include Germany for the first time. It was especially a good timing to have a workshop in Berlin since Germany just announced its decision to phase out nuclear power. Based on the discussion at the Workshop as well as after the technical tour to wind power station and National Assembly building, we found that there were significant differences and commonalities among three countries' policies toward climate change, as well as energy policies in general. Especially, the differences in deregulation policies (degree of government involvement and belief in market mechanism), and nuclear energy policies (phase out, strong promotion, status quo) became clear. Meanwhile, the common important issues, such as promotion of energy conservation and renewable energy, international cooperation with developing countries, measures for transportation sectors, were also indentified. It is important to share common views as well as to learn from other countries' experiences through such international workshops.


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 黒田 壽郎

Social Characteristics of the Middle East and the Strategy for Economic Development

  Toshio Kuroda



Many countries in the Middle East are sharing some of the social characteristics, mainly due to the common cultural tradition of Islam.

The present case study of Syria tries to clarify the role of Islamic idea of labor for the formation of unique labor system.

Theoretically Islamic economy protects strictly independence of each laborer in every economic activity, and this contributed very much for the horizontal dissemination of small scale enterprises, based on the self-regulatory working ethos shared by fellow participants.

This aspect is vitally important for the planning of economic development in this region.


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